
热搜: 国产 女王 资源


娇娇公主 发表于 2023-2-17 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
[视频名称] : 脱了臭袜子扔狗脸上!Amber女神皮靴臭棉袜逗狗!
[视频大小] : 154M
[视频时长] : 8min
[内容概要] : 脱了臭袜子扔狗脸上!Amber女神皮靴臭棉袜逗狗!
[部分对话] : come here bitch。
kiss the souls of my cus right now。
well god is is hungry so I。
I'm going to pick something out from a room service menu。
you are going to pay it。
and I don't have to look at you to know that you're so fucking pathletic。
that matter of fact。
I don't want to look at the。
starter well let's start with a starter。
oysters at。
fine dining perfect god us。
maybe you're lucky。
you will get some leftover some chew out fucking leftover be。
you deserve nothing so you be grateful that I give you at least something。
and if your thirsty you can eat our choose between my golden champagne or some spit you think you good。
you're welcome village。
as a dessert warm eply with ice cream。
pick it up it up I already know what I want we're going to write for those but first yes put it on the table bit。
feel so comfortable those'it。
yes your hand cubs。
come here get back to your spot because I don't want you anywhere near me。
you stay there are a good bit。
look at the。
I bet you look forward to this my sweaty socks。
how small be。
I know right turn off to my shields all day long and I'pretty fucking sweaty and sweaty。
yes such a fucking。
you get off from my sweaty feet focus is that。


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